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Holy Trinity - May 26

Santísima Trinidad  - 26 de mayo

San Pablo Argentina |


This Sunday, the Church dedicates itself to contemplation of the central mystery of its faith: the Holy Trinity. Without a doubt, it is the most important mystery of the Christian faith, since it speaks of the intimacy of God. Indeed, Jesus spoke to us about God as a communion of love and manifested the mystery of the three divine persons, since in them the great mystery of God's love survives: “the purest and most beautiful love in the universe.” It is the revelation of a God who is Love in Person, according to the definition: “God is Love” (1Jn 4, 8). Jesus himself revealed to us the mystery of the Holy Trinity and the faith of the Church, in this mystery, he has expressed it in various ways: at the beginning of days, prayers, pastoral meetings in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit .
In prayers that are directed to the Father, to the Son in the Holy Spirit. In the sacraments that are celebrated in the name of the Triune God. And how can we not remember that we were baptized in the Trinitarian mystery. Therefore, Christians, beyond believing in this great mystery, should worry about entering into it, that is, living as children of the Father, loved by the Holy Spirit and as brothers of Jesus. Although faith has helped us understand that the Trinity is One, that is, we confess three persons, but one God. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit live in a communion of love, but as believers, are we aware of that communion of love? How long it takes for our Church to assume that faith cannot be lived “alone” and that we must learn to live and evangelize in communion with our brothers. If the desire for protagonism and individualism is greater than communion in faith, then we are condemned to die.
This is the great challenge that the mystery of the Holy Trinity proposes to us: the common life of the Triune God who seeks to be reflected in each believer. He loves us and because He loves us, He wants to make us participants in His divine life: “'He who loves me will be faithful to my word, and my Father will love him; We will go to him and live in him” (Jn 14, 23).
P. Fredy Peña Tobar, ssp

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